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Full Circle Occupational Therapy Services

Working Together on Project

Individual OT Services

Located in clinic or outdoor setting

Individual OT sessions are offered in our amazing new clinic, located at 880 Hanwell Rd. Unit 106. Parents are always welcome to be a part of the session, or they can drop their children off after our first orientation session.  Individual sessions can also take place in Rebecca's "backyard clinic" which includes various climbing structures, swings etc. Occasionally, it is more appropriate or comfortable for sessions to take place in the client's home or out and about in the community. Whatever best supports your goals!

Rebecca works with children ages from 0-18.


Individual rates are $130 per hour, and are reimbursable by many extended benefit programs.

Nature Based OT Groups

Located in Odell Park

Nature-based OT groups are a new offering as of Spring 2024 that Rebecca is VERY excited about! Small groups of 4-8 children will spend 2 hours in outdoor forest play focusing on specific goals centered around motor coordination, self-regulation, mental health & social skills. Sessions take place weekly for 6-10 weeks every season!



OT Consultation 

Can Travel within NB

Rebecca has provided consultation services in many different environments and in many different situations. Some examples are consulting with private families helping to create sensory rooms for their children, with after-school programs to help with group cohesion and self-regulation, and also consulting with schools on supporting students with various needs.


Consultation rates begin at $130 per hour.

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